Before compiling the code make sure all the needed development libraries
are available in your system:
Gtk3 or Qt5
libv4l (v4l-utils)
pulseaudio (optional)
ffmpeg (libavcodec)
gsl (optional) for random generator
For compilation just run the standard ./configure script
with your desired configuration options, see ./configure --help
for details.
# ./configure --prefix=/usr
this will install the application to "/usr" instead of the
default "/usr/local". or
# ./configure --disable-gtk3 --enable-qt5
this will build the Qt5 interface instead of the default Gtk3
after running the configure script all Makefiles are generated,
so now just run the make command to build guvcview.
# make
and finally make install to install all the necessary files.
(this must be run by a user with admin rights, like root or
with sudo for debian/ubuntu)
# make install
if you are using the code from the git repo remember to run ./bootstrap first to build or update the configure script and the remaining config files.
Ubuntu users
Ubuntu users can
now use my repository at launchpad.
For Karmic (9.10) and later just open a terminal and
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pj-assis/ppa
Now just update your package list with "sudo apt-get
update" and install guvcview with "sudo apt-get install guvcview" for default Gtk3 interface or "sudo apt-get install guvcview-qt" for the Qt5 interface
please check "guvcview --help" or the man pages
"man guvcview" (since 0.9.8)
Guvcview stores all options into a configuration file stored in the user home directory under .config/guvcview2/video0.
The file is opened at start and it is rewritten at exit. By
removing the file the default values will be loaded, and a new
file will be written at exit.
For other devices than the default video0, the
configuration file name will have a device sufix, videoN,
where N is the device number, this allows different configurations for
different devices. Just remember that device numbering depends on
usb port the device is connected, so if you plug your cameras to
different ports each time, you will end up with the wrong configuration.
Some tweaks can be made to guvcview by changing the values
in this file. All values have commentaries about them with
indication of the defaults and corresponding behaviour changes.